Source code for gocats.subdag

# !/usr/bin/python3
A subgraph object of an OBOGraph object.
from .dag import OboGraph, AbstractNode
import re

[docs]class SubGraph(OboGraph): """A subgraph of a provided supergraph with node contents."""
[docs] def __init__(self, super_graph, namespace_filter=None, allowed_relationships=None): """`SubGraph initializer. Creates a subgraph object of :class:`gocats.dag.OboGraph`. Leave `namespace_filter` and `allowed_relationship` as :py:obj:`None` to create the entire ontology graph. Otherwise, provide filters to limit what information is pulled into the subgraph. :param obj super_graph: A supergraph object i.e. :class:`gocats.godag.GoGraph`. :param str namespace_filter: Specify the namespace of a sub-ontology namespace, if one is available for the ontology. :param list allowed_relationships: Specify a list of relationships to utilize in the graph, other relationships will be ignored. """ self.super_graph = super_graph if self.super_graph.namespace_filter and self.super_graph.namespace_filter != namespace_filter: raise Exception("Unless a namespace_filter is not specified for a parent_graph, a subgraph's namespace_filter must not differ from its parent graph's namespace_filter.\nsubgraph namespace_filter = {}, supergraph namespace_filter = {}").format(namespace_filter, self.super_graph.namespace_filter) if self.super_graph.allowed_relationships and allowed_relationships and any(relationship not in self.super_graph.allowed_relationships for relationship in allowed_relationships): raise Exception("Unless an allowed_relationships list is not specified for a parent graph, a subgraph's allowed_relationships list must be a subset of, or exactly, its parent graph's allowed_relationships list.\nsubgraph allowed_relationships = {}, supergraph allowed_relationships = {}").format(allowed_relationships, self.super_graph.allowed_relationships) super().__init__(namespace_filter, allowed_relationships) self.seeded_size = None # The number of nodes filtered in the keyword search, used for informational purposes only. self.category_node = None self._root_id_mapping = None self._root_node_mapping = None self._content_mapping = None self._subgraph_finalized = False
@property def root_id_mapping(self): """Property describing a mapping :py:obj:`dict` that relates every ontology term ID of subgraphs in :class:`gocats.dag.OboGraph` to a :py:obj:`list` of root :class:`gocats.subdag.CategoryNode` IDs. :return: :py:obj:`dict` of :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraphNode` IDs mapped to a :py:obj:`list` of root :class:`gocats.subdag.CategoryNode` IDs. :rtype: :py:obj:`dict` """ if (self._modified and self.category_node) or self._root_id_mapping == None: self._root_id_mapping = { for node in self.category_node.descendants} self._root_id_mapping[] = elif not self.category_node: raise Exception("Mapping failed: category node not identified.") return self._root_id_mapping @property def root_node_mapping(self): """Property describing a mapping :py:obj:`dict` that relates every ontology :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraphNode` object of subgraphs in :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraph` to a :py:obj:`list` of root :class:`gocats.subdag.CategoryNode` objects. :return: :py:obj:`dict` of :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraphNode` objects mapped to a :py:obj:`list` of root :class:`gocats.subdag.CategoryNode` objects. :rtype: :py:obj:`dict` """ if (self._modified and self.category_node) or self._root_node_mapping == None: self._root_node_mapping = {node: self.category_node for node in self.category_node.descendants} self._root_node_mapping[self.category_node] = self.category_node elif not self.category_node: raise Exception("Mapping failed: category node not identified.") return self._root_node_mapping @property def content_mapping(self): """Property describing a mapping :py:obj:`dict` that relates every root :class:`gocats.subdag.CategoryNode` IDs of subgraphs in a :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraph` to a :py:obj:`list` of their subgraph nodes' IDs. :return: :py:obj:`dict` of :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` IDs mapped to a :py:obj:`list' of :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` IDs. :rtype: :py:obj:`dict` """ if (self._modified and self.category_node) or self._content_mapping == None: self._content_mapping = { [ for node in self.category_node.descendants]} elif not self.category_node: raise Exception("Mapping failed: category node not identified.") return self._content_mapping
[docs] def subnode(self, super_node): """Defines a :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraph` node object. Calls :func:`add_node` to convert a supergraph node into a :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraphNode` and add this node to the subgraph. :param super_node: A node object from the supergraph i.e. :class:`gocats.godag.GoGraphNode`. :return: A :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraphNode` object. :rtype: :py:obj:`class` """ if not in self.id_index: self.add_node(super_node) return self.id_index[]
[docs] def add_node(self, super_node): """Converts a supergraph node into a :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraphNode` and adds this node to the subgraph. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :param obj super_node: A node object from the supergraph i.e. :class:`gocats.godag.GoGraphNode`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if not in self.id_index: subgraph_node = SubGraphNode(super_node, self.allowed_relationships) if self.valid_node(subgraph_node): super().add_node(subgraph_node) self._modified = True
# TODO: Rename/reconsider this (needs to be similar to instantiate_valid_edges)
[docs] def connect_subnodes(self): """Analogous to :func:`gocats.dag.instantiate_valid_edges` and :func:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge.connect_nodes`. Updates child and parent node sets for each :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraphNode` in the :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraph`. Adds edge object references to nodes and node object references to edges. Counts instances of relationship IDs and sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ for subnode in self.node_list: subnode.update_children([self.id_index[] for child in subnode.super_node.child_node_set if in self.id_index]) subnode.update_parents([self.id_index[] for parent in subnode.super_node.parent_node_set if in self.id_index]) for edge in subnode.super_node.edges: # This counts the number of times each relationship type is used in a subgraph and also adds edges to the subgraph if in self.id_index and in self.id_index: self.add_edge(edge) try: self.relationship_count[] += 1 except KeyError: self.relationship_count[] = 1 self._modified = True
[docs] def greedily_extend_subgraph(self): """Extends a seeded subgraph to include all supergraph descendants of the nodes. Searches through the supergraph to add new SubGraphNode objects. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ possible_graph_extension_nodes = set() for node in self.category_node.child_node_set: possible_graph_extension_nodes.update(node.super_node.descendants) # May want to implement this as a generator somehow for efficiency. for super_node in possible_graph_extension_nodes: if not in self.id_index: self.add_node(super_node) self.connect_subnodes()
[docs] def conservatively_extend_subgraph(self): """**Not currently in use.*** Needs to be updated to handle CategoryNode. Extends a seeded subgraph to include only nodes in the supergraph that occur along paths between nodes in the subgraph. Searches through the supergraph to add new node objects. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ graph_extension_nodes = set() for subleaf in self.leaves: start_node = self.super_graph.id_index[] end_node = self.super_graph.id_index[] graph_extension_nodes.update(self.nodes_between(start_node, end_node)) for super_node in graph_extension_nodes: if not in self.id_index and self.valid_node(super_node): self.add_node(super_node) self.connect_subnodes()
[docs] def remove_orphan_paths(self): """**Not currently in use.** Needs to be updated ot handle CategoryNode. Removes nodes and their descendants from the subgraph which do not root to the category-representative node. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ for orphan in self.orphans: orphaned_descendants = orphan.descendants - self.representative_node.descendants if orphaned_descendants: for descendant in orphaned_descendants: self.remove_node(descendant) self.remove_node(orphan)
[docs] @staticmethod def find_representative_nodes(subgraph, search_string_list): """Compiles a list candidate :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraphNode` objects from the :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraph` object based on a list of search strings matching strings in the names of the nodes (using regular expressions). Returns a list containing a single candidate node with the highest number of descendants when possible, returns the sole node if the subgraph only contains one node, returns a list of all seeded nodes when choosing candidates is impossible, or aborts if the subgraph is empty. :param subgraph: A :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraph` object. :param search_string_list: A :py:obj:`list` of search term :py:obj:`str` entries. :return: A list of one or more candidate term :class:`gocats.subgraph.SubGraphNode` chosen as the subgraph's representative ontology term(s). """ representative_nodes = list() if len(subgraph.node_list) == 1: # For the case where there is only one node, seeded. Go ahead and set this to the representative. representative_nodes.append(subgraph.node_list[0]) elif not subgraph.node_list: raise Exception("Subgraph did not seed any nodes from the supergraph! Aborting.") else: candidates = [node for node in subgraph.node_list if any('(?<!\-)'+search_string+'(?!\-)', for search_string in search_string_list) and node not in subgraph.leaves and not node.obsolete] if candidates: representative_node_scoring = {node: len(node.descendants) for node in candidates} representative_nodes.append(max(representative_node_scoring, key=representative_node_scoring.get)) elif not candidates: # and all(subgraph.node_list) in subgraph.leaves: representative_nodes = [node for node in subgraph.node_list] return representative_nodes
[docs] @staticmethod def from_filtered_graph(super_graph, subgraph_name, keyword_list, namespace_filter=None, allowed_relationships=None, extension='greedy'): """Staticmethod for extracting a subgraph from the supergraph by selecting nodes that contain vocabulary in the supplied keyword list. Leave `namespace_filter` and `allowed_relationship` as :py:obj:`None` to create the entire ontology graph. Otherwise, provide filters to limit what information is pulled into the subgraph. Graph `extension` variable defaults to 'greedy' which calls :func:`greedily_extend_subgraph` to add nodes to the subgraph after instantiation. Conversely, 'conservative' may be used to call :func:`conservatively_extend_subgraph` for this function. :param obj super_graph: A supergraph object i.e. :class:`gocats.godag.GoGraph`. :param str subgraph_name: The name of the subgraph being created; will be used as the id of the :class:`gocats.subdag.CategoryNode`. :param keyword_list: A :py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`str` entries used to query the supergraph for concepts to be extracted into subgraphs. :param str namespace_filter: Specify the namespace of a sub-ontology namespace, if one is available for the ontology. :param list allowed_relationships: Specify a list of relationships to utilize in the graph, other relationships will be ignored. :param str extension: Specify 'greedy' or 'conservative' to determine how subgraphs will be extended after creation (defaults to greedy). :return: A :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraph` object. """ subgraph = SubGraph(super_graph, namespace_filter, allowed_relationships) keyword_list = [word.lower() for word in keyword_list] filtered_nodes = super_graph.filter_nodes(keyword_list) subgraph.seeded_size = len(filtered_nodes) for super_node in filtered_nodes: subgraph.add_node(super_node) subgraph.connect_subnodes() representative_nodes = subgraph.find_representative_nodes(subgraph, keyword_list) subgraph.category_node = CategoryNode(subgraph_name, representative_nodes, namespace_filter) subgraph.root_nodes.extend(representative_nodes) if extension == 'greedy': subgraph.greedily_extend_subgraph() elif extension == 'conservative': subgraph.conservatively_extend_subgraph() subgraph_orphans_descendants = set() for orphan in subgraph.orphans: for node in orphan.descendants: subgraph_orphans_descendants.add(node) subgraph_orphans_descendants.update([orphan for orphan in subgraph.orphans]) subgraph._subgraph_finalized = True return subgraph
[docs]class SubGraphNode(AbstractNode): """An instance of a node within a subgraph of an OBO ontology (supergraph) """
[docs] def __init__(self, super_node=None, allowed_relationships=None): """SubGraphNode initializer. Inherits from :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` and contains a reference to the supergraph node it represents e.g. :class:`gocats.godag.GoGraphNode`. :param super_node: A node from the `supergraph`. :param allowed_relationships: **Not currently used** Used to specify a list of allowable relationships evaluated between nodes. """ self.allowed_relationships = allowed_relationships self.super_node = super_node self.parent_node_set = set() self.child_node_set = set() self._modified = True self._descendants = None self._ancestors = None
# TODO: add in update_parent_node_set and update_child_node_set with a _modified switch !!!! @property def super_edges(self): """:py:obj:`property` describing the set of edges referenced in the supergraph node, filtered to only those edges with nodes in the subgraph node. :return: A set of :class:`gocats.subgraph.SubGraphNode` edges that were copied from the supergraph node. :rtype: :py:obj:`set` """ edges = set() edges.update([edge for edge in self.super_node.edges if in [ for node in self.parent_node_set] and in [ for node in self.child_node_set]]) return edges @property def id(self): """:py:obj:`property` describing the ID of the supernode :return: The ID of a supernode e.g. :class:`gocats.godag.GoGraphNode` :rtype: :py:obj:`str` """ return @property def name(self): """:py:obj:`property` describing the name of the supernode :return: The name of a supernode e.g. :class:`gocats.godag.GoGraphNode` :rtype: :py:obj:`str` """ return @property def definition(self): """:py:obj:`property` describing the definition of the supernode :return: The definition of a supernode e.g. :class:`gocats.godag.GoGraphNode` :rtype: :py:obj:`str` """ return self.super_node.definition @property def namespace(self): """:py:obj:`property` describing the namespace of the supernode :return: A namespace of a supernode e.g. :class:`gocats.godag.GoGraphNode` :rtype: :py:obj:`str` """ return self.super_node.namespace @property def obsolete(self): """:py:obj:`property` describing whether or not supernode is marked as obsolete. :return: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` """ return self.super_node.obsolete
[docs] def update_parents(self, parent_set): """Updates the parent_node_set with a set of new parents provided. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :param parent_set: A set of parent nodes to be added to this objects parent_node set. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ self.parent_node_set.update(parent_set) self._modified = True
[docs] def update_children(self, child_set): """Updates the child_node_set with a set of new children provided. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :param child_set: A set of child nodes to be added to this objects child_node set. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ self.child_node_set.update(child_set) self._modified = True
[docs]class CategoryNode(AbstractNode): """A special node added to the subgraph which contains all representative nodes identified and serves as the single representative of the subgraph which represents a concept. """
[docs] def __init__(self, category_name, representative_node_list, namespace_filter=None): self.parent_node_set = set() self.obsolete = False self._modified = True self._descendants = None self._ancestors = None self.namespace_filter = namespace_filter # Needed to make the node valid. if self.namespace_filter: self.namesapce = namespace_filter[0] = category_name self.child_node_set = set(representative_node_list)
@property def id(self): if len(self.child_node_set) == 1: return next(iter(self.child_node_set)).id return