User Guide


GOcats is an Open Biomedical Ontology (OBO) parser and categorizing utility–currently specialized for the Gene Ontology (GO)–which can help scientists interpret large-scale experimental results by organizing redundant and highly- specific annotations into customizable, biologically-relevant concept categories. Concept subgraphs are defined by lists of keywords created by the user.

Currently, the GOcats package can be used to:
  • Create subgraphs of GO which each represent a user-specified concept.
  • Map specific, or fine-grained, GO terms in a Gene Annotation File (GAF) to an arbitrary number of concept categories.
  • Reorganize GO terms based on allowed term-term relationships, and re-create the gene to all direct and ancestor GO terms.
  • Explore the Gene Ontology graph within a Python interpreter.


GOcats runs under Python 3.4+ and is available through python3-pip. Install via pip or clone the git repo and install the following dependencies and you are ready to go!

Install on Linux

Pip installation (method 1)

Dependencies should automatically be installed using this method. It is strongly recommended that you install with this method.

pip3 install gocats

GitHub Package installation (method 2)

Make sure you have git installed:

cd ~/
git clone


GOcats requires the following Python libraries:

  • docopt for creating the gocats command-line interface.
  • JSONPickle for saving Python objects in a JSON serializable form and outputting to a file.

To install dependencies manually:

pip3 install docopt
pip3 install jsonpickle

Install on Windows

Windows version not yet available. Sorry about that.

Basic usage

To see command line arguments and options, navigate to the project directory and run the –help option:

cd ~/GOcats
python3 -m gocats --help

gocats can be used in the following ways:

  • To extract subgraphs of Gene Ontology that represent user-defined concepts and create mappings between high level concepts and their subgraph content terms.

    1. Create a CSV file, where column 1 is the name of the concept category (this can be anything) and column 2 is a list of keywords/phrases delineating that concept (separated by semicolons). See The GOcats Tutorial for more information.

    1. Download a Gene Ontology database obo file

    3. To create mappings, run the GOcats command, gocats.gocats.create_subgraphs(). If you installed by cloning the repository from GitHub, first navigate to the GOcats project directory or add the directory to the PYTHONPATH.

    python3 -m gocats create_subdags <ontology_database_file> <keyword_file> <output_directory>
    1. Mappings can be found in your specified <output_directory>:
      • GC_content_mapping.json_pickle # A python dictionary with category-defining GO terms as keys and a list of all subgraph contents as values.
      • GC_id_mapping.json_pickle # A python dictionary with every GO term of the specified namespace as keys and a list of category root terms as values.
  • To map gene annotations in a Gene Annotation File (GAF) to a set of user-defined categories.

    1. Create mapping files as defined in the previous section.
    2. Run the gocats.gocats.categorize_dataset() to map terms to their categories:
    # NOTE: Use the GC_id_mapping.jsonpickle file.
    python3 -m gocats categorize_dataset <GAF_file> <term_mapping_file> <output_directory> <mapped_gaf_filename>
    1. The output GAF will have the specified <mapped_gaf_filename> in the <output_directory>
  • To reorganize parent - child Gene Ontology terms relationships and the gene annotations with a set of user defined relationships.

This has been shown to increase statistical power in GO enrichment calculations (see Hinderer).

  1. Download a Gene Ontology database obo file.
  2. Download a Gene Ontology gene annotation format gaf file.
  3. Run the gocats.gocats.remap_goterms() to generate new gene to annotation relationships:
python3 -m gocats remap_goterms <go_database> <goa_gaf> <ancestor_filename> <namespace_filename> [--allowed_relationships=<relationships> --identifier_column=<column>]
  1. --allowed_relationships should be a comma separated string: is_a,part_of,has_part
  2. The output <ancestor_filename> will be in JSON format, with genes as the keys, and annotated GO terms as the set.
  • Within the Python interpreter to explore the Gene Ontology graph (advanced usage, see The GOcats Tutorial for more information).

    1. If you’ve installed GOcats via pip, importing should work as expected. Otherwise, navigate to the Git project directory, open a Python 3.4+ interpreter, and import GOcats:

    >>> from gocats import gocats as gc
    1. Create the graph object using gocats.gocats.build_graph_interpreter():
    >>> # May filter to GO sub-ontology or to a set of relationships.
    >>> my_graph = gc.build_graph_interpreter("path_to_database_file")
    You may now access all properties of the Gene Ontology graph object. Here are a couple of examples:
    >>> # See the descendants of a term node, GO:0006306
    >>> descendant_set = my_graph.id_index['GO:0006306'].descendants
    >>> [ for node in descendant_set]
    >>> # Access all graph leaf nodes
    >>> leaf_nodes  = my_graph.leaves
    >>> [ for node in leaf_nodes]