Source code for gocats.dag

# !/usr/bin/python3
Contains necessary objects for creating a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) object to represent Open Biomedical Ontologies
import re

[docs]class OboGraph(object): """A pythonic graph of a generic Open Biomedical Ontology (OBO) directed acyclic graph (DAG). """
[docs] def __init__(self, namespace_filter=None, allowed_relationships=None): """`OboGraph` initializer. Leave `namespace_filter` and `allowed_relationship` as :py:obj:`None` to create the entire ontology graph. Otherwise, provide filters to limit what information is pulled into the graph. :param str namespace_filter: Specify the namespace of a sub-ontology namespace, if one is available for the ontology. :param list allowed_relationships: Specify a list of relationships to utilize in the graph, other relationships will be ignored. """ self.namespace_filter = namespace_filter self.allowed_relationships = allowed_relationships self.word_split = re.compile(r"[\w\'\-]+") self.node_list = list() self.edge_list = list() self.id_index = dict() self.vocab_index = dict() self.relationship_index = dict() self.used_relationship_set = set() self.relationship_count = dict() self.root_nodes = list() self._orphans = None self._leaves = None self._modified = True if self.allowed_relationships: if 'is_a' not in self.allowed_relationships: print("WARNING: 'is_a' is a required relationship type within OBO ontologies.\nAdding 'is_a' to the allowed_relationships list.") self.allowed_relationships.append('is_a')
@property def orphans(self): """:py:obj:`property` defining a set of nodes in the graph which have no parents. When the graph is modified, calls :func:`_update_graph` to repopulate the sets of orphan and leaf nodes. :return: Set of 'orphan' :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects. :rtype: :py:class:`set` """ if self._modified: self._update_graph() return self._orphans @property def leaves(self): """:py:obj:`property` defining a set of nodes in the graph which have no children. When the graph is modified, calls :func:`_update_graph` to repopulate the sets of orphan and leaf nodes. :return: Set of 'leaf' :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects. :rtype: :py:class:`set` """ if self._modified: self._update_graph() return self._leaves
[docs] def valid_node(self, node): """Defines condition of a valid node. Node is valid if it is not obsolete and is contained within the given ontology namespace constraint. :param node: A :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object :return: True if node is valid, False otherwise :rtype: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` """ if not node.obsolete and (not self.namespace_filter or node.namespace == self.namespace_filter): return True return False
[docs] def valid_edge(self, edge): """Defines condition of a valid edge. Edge is valid if it is within the list of allowed edges and connects two nodes that are both contained in the graph in question. :param edge: A :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` object :return: True if node is valid, False otherwise :rtype: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` """ if ( in self.id_index and in self.id_index) and (not self.allowed_relationships or edge.relationship_id in self.allowed_relationships): return True return False
[docs] def _update_graph(self): """Repopulates graph orphans and leaves sets. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ self._orphans = set([node for node in self.node_list if not node.obsolete and not node.parent_node_set and node not in self.root_nodes]) self._leaves = set([node for node in self.node_list if not node.obsolete and not node.child_node_set and node.parent_node_set]) self._modified = False
[docs] def add_node(self, node): """Adds a node object to the graph, adds an object pointer to the vocabulary index to reference nodes to every word in the node name and definition. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :param node: A :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ self.node_list.append(node) self.id_index[] = node for word in re.findall(r"[\w\'\-]+", + " " + node.definition): try: self.vocab_index[word].add(node) except KeyError: self.vocab_index[word] = set([node]) # Don't replace with set literal self._modified = True
[docs] def remove_node(self, node): """Removes a node from the graph and deletes node references from all entries in the vocabulary index. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :param node: A :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if node not in self.node_list: pass else: for graph_node in self.node_list: if node in graph_node.parent_node_set: graph_node.parent_node_set.remove(node) elif node in graph_node.child_node_set: graph_node.child_node_set.remove(node) for edge in graph_node.edges: if node is edge.parent_node or node is edge.child_node: graph_node.edges.remove(edge) for word in re.findall(r"[\w\'\-]+", + " " + node.definition): try: self.vocab_index[word].remove(node) except KeyError: pass else: if not self.vocab_index[word]: del self.vocab_index[word] del self.id_index[] self.node_list.remove(node) self._modified = True
[docs] def add_edge(self, edge): """Adds an edge object to the graph, and counts the edge relationship type. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :param edge: A :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` object. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ self.edge_list.append(edge) try: self.relationship_count[edge.relationship_id] += 1 except KeyError: self.relationship_count[edge.relationship_id] = 1 self._modified = True
[docs] def remove_edge(self, edge): """Removes an edge object from the graph, and removes references to that edge from the node objects involved. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :param edge: A :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` object. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ self.id_index[edge.parent_id].remove_edge(edge) self.id_index[edge.child_id].remove_edge(edge) self.edge_list.remove(edge) self._modified = True
[docs] def add_relationship(self, relationship): """Adds a :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractRelationship` object to the graph's relationship index, referenced by that relationships ID. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :param relationship: A :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractRelationship` object. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ self.relationship_index[] = relationship self._modified = True
[docs] def instantiate_valid_edges(self): """Add all edge references to their respective nodes and vice versa if both nodes of the edge are in the graph. This is carried out by :func:`AbstractEdge.connect_nodes`. Also adds :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractRelationship` object reference to each edge. If both nodes are not in the graph, the edge is deleted from the graph. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ del_edges = set() for edge in self.edge_list: if edge.node_pair_id[0] in self.id_index.keys() and edge.node_pair_id[1] in self.id_index.keys(): edge.relationship = self.relationship_index[edge.relationship_id] edge.connect_nodes((self.id_index[edge.node_pair_id[0]], self.id_index[edge.node_pair_id[1]]), self.allowed_relationships) else: del_edges.add(edge) for edge in del_edges: self.edge_list.remove(edge) self._modified = True
[docs] def node_depth(self, sample_node): """Returns an integer representing how many nodes are between the given node and the root node of the graph (depth level). :param sample_node: A :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object. :return: Depth level. :rtype: :py:obj:`int` """ if sample_node in self.root_nodes: return 0 depth = 1 root_node_set = set(self.root_nodes) parent_set = sample_node.parent_node_set while parent_set: if parent_set & root_node_set: # There is an intersection between the parent set and the root_node_set break depth += 1 parent_set = set().union(*[parent.parent_node_set for parent in parent_set]) return depth
[docs] def filter_nodes(self, search_string_list): """Returns a list of node objects that contain vocabulary matching the keywords provided in the search string list. Nodes are selected by searching through the vocablary index. :param search_string_list: A :py:obj:`list` of search strings provided in the keyword_file provided to :func:`gocats.gocats.create_subgraphs`. :return: A list of :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects. :rtype: :py:obj:`list` """ search_string_list_words = [re.findall(self.word_split, word) for word in search_string_list] search_string_word_set = set([word for sublist in search_string_list_words for word in sublist]) filtered_nodes = set.union(*[node_set for node_set in [self.vocab_index[word] for word in search_string_word_set if word in self.vocab_index]]) if self.namespace_filter: filtered_nodes = [node for node in filtered_nodes if node.namespace == self.namespace_filter] return filtered_nodes
[docs] def filter_edges(self, filtered_nodes): """Returns a list of edges in the graph that connect the nodes provided in the filtered nodes list. :param filtered_nodes: List of filtered nodes provided by :func:`filter_nodes`. :return: A list of :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` objects. :rtype: :py:obj:`list` """ filtered_edges = [edge for edge in self.edge_list if edge.parent_node in filtered_nodes and edge.child_node in filtered_nodes] if self.allowed_relationships: filtered_edges = [edge for edge in filtered_edges if edge.relationship_id in self.allowed_relationships] return filtered_edges
[docs] def nodes_between(self, start_node, end_node): """Returns a set of nodes that occur along all paths between the start node and the end node. If no paths exist, an empty set is returned. :param start_node: :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object to start the paths. :param end_node: :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object to end the paths. :return: A set of :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects if there is at least one path between the parameters, an empty set otherwise. :rtype: :py:obj:`set` """ if start_node.ancestors and end_node.descendants: return start_node.ancestors.intersection(end_node.descendants) else: return set()
[docs]class AbstractNode(object): """A node containing all basic properties of an OBO node. The parsing object, :class:`gocats.ontologyparser.OboParser` currently has direct access to data members (id, name, definition, namespace, edges, and obsolete) so that information from the database file can be added to the object. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """`AbstractNode` initializer """ = str() = str() self.definition = str() self.namespace = str() self.edges = set() self.parent_node_set = set() self.child_node_set = set() self.obsolete = False self._modified = True self._descendants = None self._ancestors = None
# Will add new sets for equivalence, actor/actee, ordinal, etc @property def descendants(self): """:py:obj:`property` defining a set of nodes in the graph that are recursively reverse of a node with a scoping-type relationship. When the node is modified, calls :func:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode._update_node` to repopulate the sets of descendants and ancestors. This represents a "lazy" evaluation of node descendants. :return: Set of :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects :rtype: :py:class:`set` """ if self._modified: self._update_node() return self._descendants @property def ancestors(self): """:py:obj:`property` defining a set of nodes in the graph that are recursively forward of a node with a scoping-type relationship. When the node is modified, calls :func:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode._update_node` to repopulate the sets of descendants and ancestors. This represents a "lazy" evaluation of node ancestors. :return: Set of :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects :rtype: :py:class:`set` """ if self._modified: self._update_node() return self._ancestors
[docs] def _update_node(self): """Repopulates ancestor and descendant sets for a node. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ self._update_descendants() self._update_ancestors() self._modified = False
[docs] def add_edge(self, edge, allowed_relationships): """Adds a given :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` to a each :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects that the edge connects. If there is a filter for the types of relationships allowed, edges with non-allowed relationship types are not processed. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ # TODO: Need to capture non-parent/child relationship types, such as actor/actee and equivalence # FIXME: Should we add edges that represent non-allowed relationships? self.edges.add(edge) if not allowed_relationships: if edge.child_id == self.parent_node_set.add(edge.parent_node) elif edge.parent_id == self.child_node_set.add(edge.child_node) else: if edge.child_id == and edge.relationship_id in allowed_relationships: self.parent_node_set.add(edge.parent_node) elif edge.parent_id == and edge.relationship_id in allowed_relationships: self.child_node_set.add(edge.child_node) self._modified = True
[docs] def remove_edge(self, edge): """Removes a given :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` the :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object. Also removes parent or child node references that the edge referenced. Sets modification state to :py:obj:`True`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if edge.child_id == self.parent_node_set.remove(edge.parent_node) elif edge.parent_id == self.child_node_set.remove(edge.child_node) self.edges.remove(edge) self._modified = True
[docs] def _update_descendants(self): """Used for the lazy evaluation of graph descendants of the current :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object. Creates internal :py:obj:`set` variable, descendant_set. Iterates through node children until the bottom of the graph is reached. The descendant_set is a set of all nodes across all paths encountered from the current node. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ descendant_set = set() children = list(self.child_node_set) while len(children) > 0: child = children[0] descendant_set.add(child) if not child._modified: descendant_set.update(child._descendants) else: children.extend([new_child for new_child in child.child_node_set if new_child not in descendant_set and new_child not in children]) children.remove(child) self._descendants = descendant_set
[docs] def _update_ancestors(self): """Used for the lazy evaluation of graph ancestors of the current :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object. Creates internal :py:obj:`set` variable, ancestors_set. Iterates through node parents until the top of the graph is reached. The ancestors_set is a set of all nodes across all paths encountered from the current node. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ ancestors_set = set() parents = list(self.parent_node_set) while len(parents) > 0: parent = parents[0] ancestors_set.add(parent) if not parent._modified: ancestors_set.update(parent._ancestors) else: parents.extend([new_parent for new_parent in parent.parent_node_set if new_parent not in ancestors_set and new_parent not in parents]) parents.remove(parent) self._ancestors = ancestors_set
[docs]class AbstractEdge(object): """An OBO edge which links two ontology term nodes and contains a relationship type describing now the two nodes are related. """
[docs] def __init__(self, node1_id, node2_id, relationship_id, node_pair=None): """`AbstractEdge` initializer. Node pair refers to a :py:obj:`tuple` of :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects that are connected by the edge. Defaults to :py:obj:`None` and is later populated. :param str node1_id: The ID of the first term referenced from the ontology file's relationship line. :param str node2_id: The ID of the second term referenced from the ontology file's relationship line. :param str relationship_id: The ID of the relationship in the ontology file's relationship line. :param tuple node_pair: Default-:py:obj:`None`, provide a :py:obj:`tuple` containing two :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects if they are already created and able to be referenced. """ self.node_pair_id = (node1_id, node2_id) self.node_pair = node_pair self.relationship_id = relationship_id self.relationship = None
@property def json_edge(self): """:py:obj:`property` which returns a tuple where position 0 is a unique string representation of the edge made by combining the ID of the reverse node and the id of the forward nodes and where position 1 is a list of two node IDs: the reverse and forward node. :return: :py:obj:`tuple` of a unique :class:`AbstractEdge` ID and a list of that edge object's reverse and forward node IDs, respectively. Returns an empty :py:obj:str at a position for which there are no forward or reverse nodes in the graph. :rtype: :py:obj:`tuple` """ reverse_node_id = forward_node_id = return (str(reverse_node_id+forward_node_id), [reverse_node_id, forward_node_id]) @property def parent_id(self): """:py:obj:`property` defining the ID of the node forward of the current :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` object. :return: :py:obj:`str` ID of the forward node in the node_pair associated with the edge if the edge's relationship is assigned, :py:obj:`None` otherwise. :rtype: :py:obj:`str` or :py:obj:`None` """ if self.relationship: return self.relationship.forward(self.node_pair_id) return None @property def child_id(self): """:py:obj:`property` defining the ID of the node reverse of the current :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` object. :return: :py:obj:`str` ID of the reverse node in the node_pair associated with the edge if the edge's relationship is assigned, :py:obj:`None` otherwise. :rtype: :py:obj:`str` or :py:obj:`None` """ if self.relationship: return self.relationship.reverse(self.node_pair_id) return None @property def forward_node(self): """:py:obj:`property` defining the :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object forward of the current :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` object. :return: :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object of the forward node in the node_pair associated with the edge if the edge's relationship is assigned, the node_pair is assigned, and the type of relationship is instantiated by :class:`gocats.dag.DirectionalRelationship` :py:obj:`None` otherwise. :rtype: :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` or :py:obj:`None` """ if self.node_pair and self.relationship and type(self.relationship) is DirectionalRelationship: return self.relationship.forward(self.node_pair) return None @property def reverse_node(self): """:py:obj:`property` defining the :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object reverse of the current :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` object. :return: :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object of the reverse node in the node_pair associated with the edge if the edge's relationship is assigned, the node_pair is assigned, and the type of relationship is instantiated by :class:`gocats.dag.DirectionalRelationship` :py:obj:`None` otherwise. :rtype: :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` or :py:obj:`None` """ if self.node_pair and self.relationship and type(self.relationship) is DirectionalRelationship: return self.relationship.reverse(self.node_pair) return None @property def parent_node(self): """:py:obj:`property` defining the :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object forward of the current :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` object. This designation will be unique to scoping-type relationships, although this is **not yet specified**. :return: :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object of the forward node in the node_pair associated with the edge if the edge's relationship is assigned, the node_pair is assigned, and the type of relationship is instantiated by :class:`gocats.dag.DirectionalRelationship` :py:obj:`None` otherwise. :rtype: :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` or :py:obj:`None` """ if self.relationship: return self.relationship.forward(self.node_pair) return None @property def child_node(self): """:py:obj:`property` defining the :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object reverse of the current :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractEdge` object. This designation will be unique to scoping-type relationships, although this is **not yet specified**. :return: :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object of the reverse node in the node_pair associated with the edge if the edge's relationship is assigned, the node_pair is assigned, and the type of relationship is instantiated by :class:`gocats.dag.DirectionalRelationship` :py:obj:`None` otherwise. :rtype: :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` or :py:obj:`None` """ if self.relationship: return self.relationship.reverse(self.node_pair) return None # Will finish these later @property def actor_node(self): """**not yet implemented** :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ return @property def recipient_node(self): """**not yet implemented** :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ return @property def ordinal_prior_node(self): """**not yet implemented** :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ return @property def ordinal_post_node(self): """**not yet implemented** :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ return @property def other_node(self, node): """**not yet implemented** :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ return
[docs] def connect_nodes(self, node_pair, allowed_relationships): """Adds the current edge object to the :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects that are connected by the edge. Populates the node_pair with :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ self.node_pair = node_pair node_pair[0].add_edge(self, allowed_relationships) node_pair[1].add_edge(self, allowed_relationships)
[docs]class AbstractRelationship(object): """A relationship as defined by a [typedef] stanza in an OBO ontology and augmented by GOcats to better interpret semantic correspondence. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """`AbstractRelationship` initializer. """ = str() = str() self.category = str() # TODO: change category to correspondence_classes DO everywhere.
[docs]class DirectionalRelationship(AbstractRelationship): """A singly-directional relationship edge connecting two nodes in the graph. The two nodes are designated 'forward' and 'reverse.' The 'forward' node semantically succeeds the 'reverse' node in a way that depends on the context of the type of relationship describing the edge to which it is applied. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """`DirectionalRelationship` initializer. """ super().__init__() self.inverse_relationship_id = None self.inverse_relationship = None self.direction = 1 # Defaults as toward node2 (node2 is the 'forward' node)
[docs] def forward(self, pair): """Returns the forward node in a node pair that semantically succeeds the other and is independent of the directionality of the edge. Default position is the second position [1]. :param tuple pair: A pair of :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects. :return: The forward :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object as determined by the pre-defined semantic directionality of the relationship. """ return pair[self.direction]
[docs] def reverse(self, pair): """Returns the reverse node in a node pair that semantically precedes the other and is independent of the directionality of the edge. Default position is the second position [1]. :param tuple pair: A pair of :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` objects. :return: The reverse :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode` object as determined by the pre-defined semantic directionality of the relationship. """ return pair[(self.direction+1) % 2]
[docs]class NonDirectionalRelationship(AbstractRelationship): """A non-directional relationship whose edge directionality is either non-existent or semantically irrelevant. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """`NonDirectionalRelationship` initializer. """ return