Source code for gocats.gocats

# !/usr/bin/python3
The Gene Ontology Categories Suite (GOcats)

This module provides methods for the creation of directed acyclic concept subgraphs of Gene Ontology, along with methods
for evaluating those subgraphs.
import os
import sys
import re
import csv
import jsonpickle
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from . import ontologyparser
from . import godag
from . import subdag
from . import tools
from . import _version

jsonpickle.set_encoder_options('json', sort_keys=True, indent=2)
__version__ = _version.__version__

[docs]def json_format_graph(graph_object, graph_identifier): "Creates a dictionary representing the edges in the graph and formats it in such a way that it can be encoded into JSON for comparing the graph objects between versions of GOcats." json_dict = dict() for edge in graph_object.edge_list: json_dict[str(graph_identifier)+'_'+edge.json_edge[0]] = edge.json_edge[1] return json_dict
[docs]def build_graph(args): """**Not yet implemented** Try build_graph_interpreter to create a GO graph object to explore within a Python interpreter.""" # FIXME: JsonPickle is reaching max recursion depth because of the fact that objects point to one another. if args['--supergraph_namespace']: supergraph_namespace = args['--supergraph_namespace'] else: supergraph_namespace = None if args['--allowed_relationships']: allowed_relationships = args['--allowed_relationships'] else: allowed_relationships = None database = open(args['<database_file>'], 'r') output_directory = args['<output_directory>'] if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) database_name = os.path.basename(args['<database_file>']) graph_class = {'go.obo': godag.GoGraph(supergraph_namespace, allowed_relationships)} graph = graph_class[database_name] parsing_class = {'go.obo': ontologyparser.GoParser(database, graph)} parsing_class[database_name].parse() database.close()
[docs]def build_graph_interpreter(database_file, supergraph_namespace=None, allowed_relationships=None, relationship_directionality='gocats'): """Creates a graph object of GO, which can be traversed and queried within a Python interpreter. :param file_handle database_file: Ontology database file. :param str supergraph_namespace: Optional - Filter graph to a sub-ontology namespace. :param list allowed_relationships: Optional - Filter graph to use only those relationships listed. :param relationship_directionality: Optional - Any string other than 'gocats' will retain all original GO relationship directionalities. Defaults to reverseing has_part direction. :return: A Graph object of the ontology provided. :rtype: :py:obj:`class` """ database = open(database_file, 'r') graph = godag.GoGraph(supergraph_namespace, allowed_relationships) go_parser = ontologyparser.GoParser(database, graph, relationship_directionality=relationship_directionality) go_parser.parse() database.close() return graph
[docs]def create_subgraphs(database_file, keyword_file, output_directory, supergraph_namespace=None, subgraph_namespace=None, supergraph_relationships=['is_a', 'part_of', 'has_part'], subgraph_relationships=['is_a', 'part_of', 'has_part'], map_supersets=False, output_termlist=False, go_basic_scoping=False, network_table_name=None, test=False): """Creates a graph object of an ontology, processed into :class:`gocats.dag.OboGraph` or to an object that inherits from :class:`gocats.dag.OboGraph`, and then extracts subgraphs which represent concepts that are defined by a list of provided keywords. Each subgraph is processed into :class:`gocats.subdag.SubGraph`. :param database_file: Ontology database file. :param keyword_file: A CSV file with two columns: column 1 naming categories, and column 2 listing search strings (no quotation marks, separated by semicolons). :param output_directory: The directory where results are stored. :param supergraph_namespace: a supergraph sub-ontology to filter e.g. cellular_component, optional :param subgraph_namespace: a subgraph sub-ontology to filter e.g. cellular_component, optional :param supergraph_relationships: a list of relationships to limit in the supergraph e.g. ['is_a', 'part_of'], optional :param subgraph_relationships: a list of relationships to limit in subgraphs e.g. ['is_a', 'part_of'], optional :param map_supersets: whether to allow subgraphs to subsume other subgraphs, logical, optional :param output_termlist: whether to create a translation of ontology terms to their names to improve interpretability of dev test results, logical, optional :param go-basic-scoping: whether to create a GO graph similar to go-basic with only scoping-type relationships (is_a and part_of), logical, optional :param network_table_name: whether to make a specific name for the network table produced from the subgraphs (defaults to NetworkTable.csv) :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if go_basic_scoping: supergraph_relationships = ['is_a', 'part_of'] subgraph_relationships = ['is_a', 'part_of'] # Building the supergraph database = open(database_file, 'r') output_directory = output_directory if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) database_name = os.path.basename(database_file) graph_class = {'go.obo': godag.GoGraph(supergraph_namespace, supergraph_relationships)} try: supergraph = graph_class[database_name] except KeyError: print("The provided ontology filename was not recognized. Please do not rename ontology files. The accepted list of file names are as follows: \n", graph_class.keys()) sys.exit() parsing_class = {'go.obo': ontologyparser.GoParser(database, supergraph)} try: parsing_class[database_name].parse() except KeyError: print("The provided ontology filename was not recognized. Please do not rename ontology files. The accepted list of file names are as follows: \n", graph_class.keys()) sys.exit() if output_termlist: tools.jsonpickle_save(list(supergraph.id_index.keys()), os.path.join(output_directory, "termlist")) id_translation = dict() for id, node in supergraph.id_index.items(): id_translation[id] = tools.jsonpickle_save(id_translation, os.path.join(output_directory, "id_translation")) database.close() # Building and collecting subgraphs subgraph_collection = dict() with open(keyword_file, newline='') as file: reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for row in reader: subgraph_name = row[0] keyword_list = [keyword for keyword in re.split(';', row[1])] subgraph_collection[subgraph_name] = subdag.SubGraph.from_filtered_graph(supergraph, subgraph_name, keyword_list, subgraph_namespace, subgraph_relationships) # Handling superset mapping if not map_supersets: category_subsets = find_category_subsets(subgraph_collection) else: print("NOTE: supersets were mapped.") category_subsets = None collection_id_mapping = dict() collection_node_mapping = dict() collection_content_mapping = dict() for subgraph_name, subgraph in subgraph_collection.items(): for node_id, category_node_id in subgraph.root_id_mapping.items(): try: collection_id_mapping[node_id].update([category_node_id]) except KeyError: collection_id_mapping[node_id] = set([category_node_id]) for node, category_node in subgraph.root_node_mapping.items(): try: collection_node_mapping[node].update(category_node) except KeyError: collection_node_mapping[node] = {category_node} for rep_node, content in subgraph.content_mapping.items(): collection_content_mapping[rep_node] = content # Remove root nodes that are subsets of existing root nodes from mapping if category_subsets: for node_id, root_id_list in collection_id_mapping.items(): for subset_id, superset_ids in category_subsets.items(): if subset_id in root_id_list: [root_id_list.remove(node) for node in superset_ids if node in root_id_list] # TODO: do the same for node_object_mapping # Save mapping files and create report tools.jsonpickle_save(collection_id_mapping, os.path.join(output_directory, "GC_id_mapping")) tools.json_save(collection_id_mapping, os.path.join(output_directory, "GC_id_mapping")) tools.jsonpickle_save(collection_content_mapping, os.path.join(output_directory, "GC_content_mapping")) tools.json_save(collection_content_mapping, os.path.join(output_directory, "GC_content_mapping")) with open(os.path.join(output_directory, 'subgraph_report.txt'), 'w') as report_file: report_file.write( 'Subgraph data\nSupergraph filter: {}\nSubgraph filter: {}\nGO terms in the supergraph: {}\nGO terms in subgraphs: {}\nRelationship prevalence: {}'.format( supergraph_namespace, subgraph_namespace, len(set(supergraph.node_list)), len(set(collection_id_mapping.keys())), supergraph.relationship_count)) for subgraph_name, subgraph in subgraph_collection.items(): out_string = """ ------------------------- {} Subgraph relationships: {} Seeded size: {} Representative node: {} Nodes added: {} Non-subgraph hits (orphans): {} Total nodes: {} """.format(subgraph_name, subgraph.relationship_count, subgraph.seeded_size, [ for node in subgraph.category_node.child_node_set], len(subgraph.node_list) - subgraph.seeded_size, len(subgraph.node_list) - len(subgraph.root_id_mapping.keys()), len(subgraph.root_id_mapping.keys())) report_file.write(out_string) # FIXME: cannot json save due to recursion of objects within objects... # tools.jsonpickle_save(collection_node_mapping, os.path.join(args['<output_directory>'], "GC_node_mapping")) if network_table_name is None: network_table_name = "Network_table.csv" # Making a file for network visualization via Cytoscape 3.0 with open(os.path.join(output_directory, network_table_name), 'w', newline='') as network_table: edgewriter = csv.writer(network_table, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for term_id, root_id_list in collection_id_mapping.items(): for root_id in root_id_list: edgewriter.writerow([term_id, root_id]) if test: json_graph_destination_file = os.path.join(output_directory, str(__version__)+'_graph_output.json') with open(json_graph_destination_file, 'w') as destfile: destfile.write(jsonpickle.encode(json_format_graph(supergraph, 'supergraph'))) for subgraph_name, subgraph in subgraph_collection.items(): destfile.write(jsonpickle.encode(json_format_graph(subgraph, subgraph_name))) jsonpickle_supergraph_destination_file = os.path.join(output_directory, str(__version__)+'_supergraph_output.jsonpickle') jsonpickle_clean_graph(supergraph) with open(jsonpickle_supergraph_destination_file, 'w') as destfile: destfile.write(jsonpickle.encode(supergraph)) for subgraph_name, subgraph in subgraph_collection.items(): jsonpickle_clean_graph(subgraph) jsonpickle_subgraph_destination_file = os.path.join(output_directory, str(__version__)+'_'+subgraph_name+'_output.jsonpickle') with open(jsonpickle_subgraph_destination_file, 'w') as destfile: destfile.write(jsonpickle.encode(subgraph))
def jsonpickle_clean_graph(graph): # remove circular references from the nodes for node in graph.node_list: node.edges = None if node.parent_node_set: node.parent_node_set = sorted([str( for node2 in node.parent_node_set]) if node.child_node_set: node.child_node_set = sorted([str( for node2 in node.child_node_set]) if node._descendants: node._descendants = sorted([str( for node2 in node._descendants]) if node._ancestors: node._ancestors = sorted([str( for node2 in node._ancestors]) # remove sets or unneeded references from the graph if hasattr(graph, "super_graph") and graph.super_graph: graph.super_graph = None if graph._orphans: graph._orphans = sorted([str( for node2 in graph._orphans]) if graph._leaves: graph._leaves = sorted([str( for node2 in graph._leaves]) for vocab in graph.vocab_index: graph.vocab_index[vocab] = sorted([str( for node2 in graph.vocab_index[vocab]]) if graph.used_relationship_set: graph.used_relationship_set = sorted([relationship for relationship in graph.used_relationship_set]) # TODO: the workaround for accessing the sole item in the set here is hacky, fix this later.
[docs]def find_category_subsets(subgraph_collection): """Finds subgraphs which are subsets of other subgraphs to remove redundancy, when specified. :param subgraph_collection: A dictionary of subgraph objects (keys: subgraph name, values: subgraph object). :return: A dictionary relating which subgraph objects are subsets of other subgraphs (keys: subset subgraph, values: superset subgraphs). :rtype: :py:obj:`dict` """ is_subset_of = dict() for subgraph in subgraph_collection.values(): for next_subgraph in subgraph_collection.values(): if len(subgraph.category_node.child_node_set) == 1 and len(next_subgraph.category_node.child_node_set) == 1: if next(iter(subgraph.category_node.child_node_set)).id != next(iter(next_subgraph.category_node.child_node_set)).id and next(iter(subgraph.category_node.child_node_set)).id in next_subgraph.root_id_mapping.keys(): try: is_subset_of[next(iter(subgraph.category_node.child_node_set)).id].add(next(iter(next_subgraph.category_node.child_node_set)).id) except KeyError: is_subset_of[next(iter(subgraph.category_node.child_node_set)).id] = {next(iter(next_subgraph.category_node.child_node_set)).id} return is_subset_of
[docs]def categorize_dataset(dataset_file, term_mapping, output_directory, mapped_dataset_filename, dataset_type="GAF", entity_col=0, go_col=1, retain_unmapped_annotations=False): """Reads in a Gene Annotation File (GAF) and maps the annotations contained therein to the categories organized by GOcats or other methods. Outputs a mapped GAF and a list of unmapped genes in the specified output directory. :param dataset_file: A file containing gene annotations. :param term_mapping: A dictionary mapping category-defining ontology terms to their subgraph children terms. May be produced by GOcats or another method. :param output_directory: The directory where the output file will be stored. :param mapped_dataset_filename: The desired name of the mapped GAF. :param dataset_type: Enter file type for dataset [GAF|TSV|CSV]. Defaults to "GAF". :param entity_col: If CSV or TSV file type, indicate which column the entity IDs are listed. Defaults to 0. :param go_col: If CSV or TSV file type, indicate which column the GO IDs are listed. Defaults to 1. :param retain_unmapped_annotations: If specified, annotations that are not mapped to a concept are copied into the mapped dataset output file with its original annotation. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ mapping_dict = tools.jsonpickle_load(term_mapping) output_directory = os.path.realpath(output_directory) unmapped_entities = set() if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) if dataset_type == "GAF" or not dataset_type: loaded_gaf_array = tools.parse_gaf(dataset_file) mapped_gaf_array = list() for line in loaded_gaf_array: if line[4] in mapping_dict.keys(): mapped_terms = mapping_dict[line[4]] for term in mapped_terms: mapped_gaf_array.append(line[0:4] + [term] + line[5:-1]) else: if line[2] == '': unmapped_entities.add('NO_GENE:' + line[1]) else: unmapped_entities.add(line[2]) tools.write_out_gaf(mapped_gaf_array, os.path.join(output_directory, mapped_dataset_filename)) tools.list_to_file(os.path.join(output_directory, mapped_dataset_filename + '_unmappedEntities'), unmapped_entities) elif dataset_type == "CSV": mapped_rows = [] with open(os.path.realpath(dataset_file), 'r') as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') header = next(csv_reader) for row in csv_reader: mapped_row = row if mapped_row[go_id_index] in mapping_dict.keys(): for concept_term in mapping_dict[mapped_row[go_id_index]]: mapped_row[go_id_index] = concept_term mapped_rows.append(mapped_row) else: unmapped_entities.add(mapped_row[entity_id_index]) if retain_unmapped_annotations: mapped_rows.append(mapped_row) mapped_rows.insert(0, header) with open(os.path.join(output_directory, mapped_dataset_filename), 'w') as output_csv: csv_writer = csv.writer(output_csv, delimiter=',') for row in mapped_rows: csv_writer.writerow([item for item in row]) tools.list_to_file(os.path.join(output_directory, 'unmappedEntities'), unmapped_entities)
[docs]def remap_goterms(go_database, goa_gaf, ancestor_filename, namespace_filename, allowed_relationships, identifier_column): """Reads in a Gene Ontology relationship file, and a Gene Annotation File (GAF), and follows the GOcats rules for allowed term-to-term relationships. Generates as output a new GAF, and a new term to ontology namespace mapping. :param go_database: the gene ontology dataset :param goa_gaf: the gene annotation file :param ancestor_filename: the output file containing new gene to ontology mappings :param namespace_filename: the output file containing the term to ontology mappings :param allowed_relationships: what term to term relationships will be considered (is_a,part_of,has_part) :param identifier_column: which column is being used for the gene identifiers (1) :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ graph = build_graph_interpreter(go_database, allowed_relationships=allowed_relationships) gaf_array = tools.parse_gaf(goa_gaf) goa_gene_annotation_dict = defaultdict(set) # Building the annotation dictionary for line in gaf_array: goa_gene_annotation_dict[line[identifier_column]].add(line[4]) # the dictionary has DB object symbol keys and a set of go terms as values ancestor_dict = defaultdict(set) missing_go_terms = set() # Adding ancestors to the annotation dictionary. for gene_symbol, go_term_set in goa_gene_annotation_dict.items(): ancestor_dict[gene_symbol].update(go_term_set) for go_term in go_term_set: if go_term in graph.id_index.keys(): ancestor_dict[gene_symbol].update([ for node in graph.id_index[go_term].ancestors]) else: missing_go_terms.add(go_term) # NOTE: These are missing because they are depreciated IDs that are now ALT IDs of another term. Need to incorporate alt ids in GOcats. # Need to convert dict sets into lists for json ancestor_dict = {gene_symbol: list(go_term_set) for gene_symbol, go_term_set in ancestor_dict.items()} # Writeout output json file. with open(ancestor_filename, "w") as output_file: json.dump(ancestor_dict, output_file) with open(namespace_filename, "w") as output_file: namespace_translation = {} for node in graph.node_list: namespace_translation[] = node.namespace json.dump(namespace_translation, output_file) return None