Source code for gocats.godag

# !/usr/bin/python3
Defines a Gene Ontology-specific graph which may have special properties when compared to other OBO formatted
from .dag import OboGraph, AbstractNode

[docs]class GoGraph(OboGraph): """A Gene-Ontology-specific graph. GO-specific idiosyncrasies go here."""
[docs] def __init__(self, namespace_filter=None, allowed_relationships=None): """`GoGraph` initializer. Inherits and specializes properties from :class:`gocats.dag.OboGraph`. :param str namespace_filter: Specify the namespace of a sub-ontology namespace, if one is available for the ontology. :param list allowed_relationships: Specify a list of relationships to utilize in the graph, other relationships will be ignored. """ self.valid_namespaces = ['cellular_component', 'biological_process', 'molecular_function', None] if namespace_filter not in self.valid_namespaces: raise Exception("{} is not a valid Gene Ontology namespace.\nPlease select from the following: {}".format(namespace_filter, self.valid_namespaces)) super().__init__(namespace_filter, allowed_relationships)
[docs]class GoGraphNode(AbstractNode): """Extends AbstractNode to include GO relevant information."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """`GoGraphNode` initializer. Inherits all properties from :class:`gocats.dag.AbstractNode`. """ super().__init__()